Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Madonna and Parliament Hill

John Guare wrote it, Will Smith played it and we are all living it... it being the six degrees of separation, the idea that everybody on this planet is connected.
This past May while volunteering at a conference where creativity meets commerce, I learned something interesting related to my current city of residence.  

Ottawa is one degree away from Madonna.
madonna, ottawa
Every summer for the past few years I have delighted myself to viewing the Mosaika light show at the Parliament buildings, if you haven`t yet witnessed the patriotic light show check it out:

This yearly spectacle on Parliament Hill is produced by Montreal`s Moment Factory. Moment Factory also produced Madonna`s insanely well lit half-time show for Super Bowl XLVI (and presently on tour with the material girl too). 

Kind of exciting right!? I definitely gained a broader appreciation for Mosaika...after all THE style icon of the 80's uses the same type of lights!

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